
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jordyn Blog Tour Stop- Emrys Interview

Hand to hand combat training: Check
Cardio and strength training: Check
Daemon hunting: Check
Anomaly: Check

Check, check, check, check...That's all my life is. There's nothing ordinary about me. I'm "special." I know this because I'm reminded of it every stinking day. I can kick a Daemon's ass with both hands tied behind my back. I can run up a mountain without breaking a sweat. Know what I can't do? Get guys to notice me, or hang out with friends like normal people do. I can't just be ordinary because I have an Arch Angel for a mentor who is always breathing down my neck, and a family of angelic Guides and Protectors who scrutinize every little thing I do. Just for a day I want a life where I'm no longer some anomaly, where I don't have to feel like a lab rat.

And then I met Emrys. Okay, so my mentor and family hate him, but probably for good reason. After-all, he is a Soul Trader, and they aren't the most trust worthy beings. But, he is sooo hot with his green eyes, leather jacket and the sexiest tattoo you've every seen running down his back. And-he doesn't treat me like a project.

I've got myself in quite a little quandary here. Choosing between my responsibilities and the Trader that holds my heart is something I didn't sign up for. Torn between two different worlds, I must now decide who to trust and who to walk away from. What's a girl to do? See what I mean? I am an anomaly. I am Jordyn.

Join us for a mayhem journey through the paranormal world of Jordyn, where fighting Daemons is a piece of cake but getting a boy to notice you is hell. Once you've had a chance to hang out with Jordyn and Emrys head over to 
for a chance to win cool prizes!!!

Grand Prize: Ticket to uTopYa and $50 Visa Gift Card
1st Place: Signed Copy of Jordyn and Necklace
2nd Place: Ecopies of Saving Angels Series & Jordyn and Butterfly Charm
3rd Place: Ecopy of Jordyn and a Jordyn Button 

Enter the Contest Below or head over to Tiffany King's blog!

Hey Emrys! *clears throat* Thank you for meeting with me, my name is Dani and Im one of the Crazy Book Chicks. Thanks for meeting up with me and taking time out of your day!

So this is going to be a tad difficult asking questions without giving too much away, but Ill do my best to keep spoilers out, but no promises. When Jordyn first meets you, you had that stalker vibe by being hidden in the shadows of the alley, what was going through your mind as she took down two men twice her size?

"Damn girl, what did I get myself into here." Followed by, "that's gotta hurt so good."

Was there a moment in there that made you want to jump in?

Well, naturally, no guy likes to see a girl in trouble, but it was obvious from the start that Jordyn knew what she was doing. Once I realized she had a handle of the situation, I sat back and enjoyed the show. Besides, if I would have jumped in, she may have taken my head off too.

 That's true and then Haniel showed up. Theres obviously some tension between you and Haniel, does it go further than your job descriptions?

Haniel is just an old stick in the mud, blinded by an age-old prejudice that dates back centuries. Arch angels have always been stiffs. I guarantee if you ask him what his idea of fun was, he'd say something like, "I do not understand the question." Plus, I'm pretty sure he's jealous of my badass self.

Having the unique ability that you do seems practical and awesome actually, what was your reaction when Jordyn didnt react the exact way you wanted her to?

I was intrigued to say the least. My powers of persuasion have worked my entire life, even before I became a Soul Trader, so to meet someone that can put up a fight was oddly refreshing. Besides, I don't give up easily when I see something I want.

What was it that intrigued you the most about Jordyn that kept you coming back despite Haniels warning?

Jordyn is an "it" girl. She's beautiful, quick witted although cocky as hell, but you know what, I dig that too. She might be the only girl I've ever come across that makes me question myself.

 So the Empire State building, Ive always wanted to go to NY, is it just the fact that your father used to take you there or is there another reason you chose to share it with Jordyn?

The Empire State Building holds fond memories for me. It's reminiscent of a better, more lighthearted time in my life. Sharing it with Jordyn was genuinely special. It was a way for me to open up to her a little.

So with all that sneaking around, that first kiss was unbelievable, I can say Im slightly jealous that my first kiss wasnt like that. Do you think Jordyns reaction was because it was her first kiss, the attraction you share, or the fact that youre both more than human? Before you speak *points finger at Emrys* no cocky answer by saying its because youre sexy incarnate, even though Ill admit you are*laughs* serious answer buddy.

 To tell you the truth, I didn't know it was her first kiss, but I can tell you honestly that I felt the same way she did. Like I told you, Jordyn makes me feel different than any other girl has. I would have kissed her long before that if I didn't think she would have kicked my ass for trying

 Now to get serious if you have to be vague I understand but I have to ask the next few questions. Did you know the entire time who Jordyn was?

Yes, but remember, there's always two sides to every story. Things are obviously pretty effed up right now, but with time, I'm hoping Jordyn will see my side of the story.

 Whyd you hide it from her knowing theres never the right time to tell someone that?

That's one of those shoulda/coulda/woulda situations, but remember, like I said, there is two sides to a story, and in this circumstance, telling her may have gotten us both into more trouble than either of us was prepared to deal with. As it is, I majorly screwed things up, and I have to live with that.

 You are going to be in the next book right? I think I would die otherwise!

Just put it this way, you definitely haven't seen the last of me, sweet stuff.*swoons*

 Can we expect to get your side of things in the next book?

Confidentiality rules won't allow me to answer that question, but I hope so.

 If you could go back and change the path you were on in your human life, would you change it all?

Knowing what I know now, in a heartbeat.

 Ok, I think that covers everything without being to spoilery and I hope I get to see more of you in the next book! Dont be a stranger either Emrys, feel free to pop in anytime you feel like chatting. *winks*
You can count on it. Maybe next time I can being a friend you might hit it off with.
Definitely sounds good to me! :)

OH MY GOD!! I can honestly say that I am struck speechless, like seriously speechless. I was like wait what and then I was like OMG and then I was like No and then UGH no freaking way! Now I’m like please give me the next book, like I needed it yesterday! Ok so this is a wicked twist on angels, daemons, and soul traders. It’s a given that Tiffany King ranks extremely high in my book. Why? Well it because no matter the subject matter of what she is writing I feel like I can relate it to some section of my life even if the book is about angels, daemons, soul traders, and the anomaly known as Jordyn. How can I relate you ask? Well that simple, I’ll give it to you in a quote…

“I was alone. Alone to ponder the cards I had been dealt. Alone to make sense of what I was.”

Most people won’t own up to it right away but I believe part of moving on and growing is dealing with the cards you are dealt. Do you believe in faith and that we all have a destiny? Well in Jordyn, destiny is set out for Jordyn but not in the way you would expect considering you’re dealing with angels. So Jordyn is 17 a few months shy of the big 18 and earning what she would hope to be her freedom… little did she know that the Light has bigger plans for her. Plans that have been weaved into a web of lies. By everyone she’s trusted.

Then she meets Emrys. A hot green eyed boy who’s not a boy but something more? But is he good or bad? Is he there to help her or defeat her? SO many questions for this hot boy that make his appeal that much more alluring. There’s something about the mysterious bad boy look that has all the girls turning their head. I know I do and you give me a “…green-eyed, rebel-hottie…” that has a tattoo, *clears throat* yes please! The thing is, like most bad boys, he has this hidden sweet side. 

“To me it does,” he said quietly before grasping my hand in his.”

It doesn’t stop there though. Emrys is seriously an awesome character that I fell in love with. I call dibs on him Tiffany!! Lol but seriously. It’s cute to see how he acts around Jordyn and I love their playful banter. I just love everything about this book and cannot wait for the next book in this series.

“Sweets, all my plans begin and end with you.”

Can I just say I would love a kiss from Emrys! If Jordyn reacted the way she did, granted it was her first kiss, but my first kiss was nowhere in the vicinity of that kiss! *fans self* But just as everything is starting to look good things get muddy. Trust goes out the window when lies start to unravel. Who’s lying, what are the lying about, and what’s happens? All questions you are going to have to find out by reading Tiffany King’s new amazing novel JORDYN. When you get to the end you are going to want more and like right away.

So in the words of Jordyn, “holy freaking frick “ you are going to devour this book.


First I must say, Tiffany King is AWESOMESAUCE! I've read all her books, and having a spin off of the Saving Angels series, is well Awesomesauce with a cherry on top.

I loved seeing the characters from the Saving Angels series in this book. Krista and Mark were my favorites. Jordyn, whom they adopted, is special.  They were TOLD she lost her family and memory in a car crash. Jordyn is so special that she gets training from that , oh so AWESOME Arch Angel, Haniel! Yes Haniel is back. If you haven't met him, seriously go read the Saving Angels books.
Apparently Jordyn can kick Daemon butt, better than the protectors. Haniel is there to hone her skills and, yes as always keep secrets. (Sigh) sometimes Haniel can be Lamesauce.

Jordyn meets a Soul Trader named Emrys. He's hot, mysterious, sarcastic and totally amazingsauce. And Haniel doesn't want Jordyn anywhere near him. Does that stop Emrys from visiting, No. Does Jordyn act like the typical teenager and go places with him? OF COURSE. I will say for a dude who deals with the trading of souls, he's hot. After getting in trouble for going places with Emrys, Jordyn is put on house arrest. Then Mark and Krista agree to let her see him, based on normal teen dating status.

When on a double date Jordyn, Emrys, Lynn and Robert encounter some particular Daemons, information is brought forward that hurts Jordyn. Emrys was sent on purpose but wasn't fulfilling that purpose. What was it? And Hearing what her family and Haniel kept from her what will Jordyn do?

 This is a serious must read. I want the next book like yesterday.

So, if you want an awesomesauce book from the amazingsauce Tiffany King, go read this. You won't be sorrysauce.
 (Please note all the sauce's were in theme with part of the story)


Follow along with the tour by checking out the post before ours over at Confessions of a Bookaholic and after us over at My Pathway to Books

Don't forget to enter the contest below!


Author Bio
Tiffany King is the author of The Saving Angels Series, Wishing For Someday Soon, Forever Changed, and Unlikely Allies. Writer by day and book fanatic the rest of the time, she is now pursuing her life-long dream of weaving tales for others to enjoy. She has a loving husband and two wonderful kids. (Five, if you count her three spoiled cats). Her addictions include: Her iphone and ipad, chocolate, Diet Coke, chocolate, Harry Potter, chocolate, and her favorite TV shows. Want to know what they are? Just ask.

Stalk Tiffany on theses Sites


  1. Emrys is so swoon worthy! You lucky girls! Lol You know how much I loved this book and Tiffany, right?:)

    1. he Totes is!!! I cannot wait for the second book... definitely because I'm pretty sure I loved it and Tiffany just as much ;) lol -Dani
