
Monday, February 4, 2013

Michelle Muto + Giveaway

So a good friend of mine, this is Dani by the way, has been trying to get me to read Michelle Muto's books for awhile now and I've been a little stand offish. Not because I didn't want to read the books because I totally did, in fact they have been sitting pretty in my why haven't I read them yet you ask... well it's because they are going to be series... lol and I absolutely go crazy waiting for my next fix of characters! AHHH LOL 

Ok so I talked to my co-blogger Christina and we decided to start reading the books....eeep so excited and I can honestly say I love falling in love with new authors especially when they write the way they do! So today is just a little info about what you can expect to see the next few days plus a giveaway!! 

So for those of you who haven't read Don't Fear the Reaper, The Book of Lost Souls, and the newest Michelle book, The Haunting Season.... I will be gifting a copy of one of these books to whoever wins!! I might do 2 just depends on my mood LOL so make sure you tweet, comment, email...whatever it takes because trust me....


OK so enough with the chit chat go enter the contest!


  1. The True Blood books are as close to paranormal as I've gotten. I don't tend to read to many but I'm looking forward to checking out this author and reading more.

  2. That is hard choice i love paranormal but my favorite would be chloe neill chicagoland vampires

  3. Crazy by Steven Lanchance! Best paranormal book I've read.

  4. The SCARIEST scary book I have ever read was THE DESCENT by Jeff Long. Honestly, it scared the crud out of me!!! It even scared my husband who doesn't usually get freaked out by books. Seriously, if you like truly scary books, you should check it out.

    Then I just finished reading THE RAVEN BOYS by the divine Maggie Stiefvater, and it definitely freaked me out a number of times! Not in the same way - like the true horror way - but the kind of freaked where your arm hairs stand on end and you have goosebumps and you could swear someone's watching you... oh my god I absolutely LOVED that book. Loved!!!!

  5. I have way to many of these kinds of favorite book! I guess Sanctum by Sarah Fine and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman top the list though!

  6. My favorite paranormal book is Paranormalcy. Another one a like is Deep and Dark and Dangerous, but I haven't ventured out into the horror genre much yet!

  7. I am a HUGE freaking chicken sh*t, so I love all the scary books hehe ;)
