
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Book love

It is amazing the love of books that we all share, authors, bloggers and friends.  You find that in a good book you have so much to talk about with a friend or group of friends.  To be able to connect with authors via blogs, twitter and facebook is amazing! Helping authors get their work promoted, encouraging each other in everything.  That is what is amazing about our friends.  This blog was created by two friends who LOVE books!  We love the authors that write those books.  Now one of us in the in process of getting her own book out there! It’s amazing the support that comes around from other authors.  It is like a family!

I believe that it is most fun to read a great book and be able to talk back and forth with a friend.  Doing this makes is all the more exciting. Then,  getting to tell the author STRAIGHT UP what you thought about it, even MORE amazing!  Sitting down to a good book, if it’s Romance, paranormal, sexy, whatever, can take you to a place where you would not get to go before.  Sharing those books with others so they can experience what you did is even better!

We want to thank all the authors who write the books we love! Also for those authors that allow us to share their cover reveals, their releases, and who share their work so we can review! And thank all of you who read and share our blog.  Without you we would just be putting words out into cyber space! Now show some author love, post your thoughts on Amazon, your blog, Barns and Noble, anywhere you can leave a review. Enjoy Valentines day, Enjoy a good book, spread some love around!


Here are some pictures that seem to embody the love of reading! Happy Valentine’s Day from The Crazy Book Chicks!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! Sweet pictures and I love the last one!
