
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Introducing Christopher Waltz

Welcome to 3 Days of Christopher Waltz!  Day one we are introducing you to this amazing author, including the book cover and a synopsis of Ivy League PLUS the book trailer!  Day 2 you will see our reviews of Ivy League, and Day 3, you will see an interview with Chris Waltz.  Lastly it would not be a Crazy Book Chick post without a giveaway right?? Stay tuned at the end of this post to see how you can win a copy of IVY LEAGUE.

Also don't forget to check out the awesome author's page and see part 1 of his character posters and learn a little about each character. 
You can check it out here-----> Christopher Waltz Blog

Here’s a little bit about Christopher Waltz from him of course … hehe hehe 
 I am 25, grew up in Columbus, Indiana. I currently live in Indianapolis, IN. I have a degree in Secondary Education, with a concentration in English. When I’m not writing, I work with the Red Cross and for a pharmacy. I have an insane love for movies and know ridiculous amounts of useless pop culture trivia. I like to cook, work out, run, go to concerts, and plays... I have a pitbull named Theo. I went to New York to help with relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy in November”.

“Within a few months, everything changed for me, and as anyone could probably guess already, not for the better. Life, itself, began to fall apart…

But I guess that’s what happens when you become a teenage drug-dealer.”

Jamie Brewer has just gotten the one piece of mail he’s been waiting for his whole life: his college acceptance letter. But when a series of unfortunate events makes paying tuition to one of the most prestigious universities in the country practically impossible, Jamie makes a decision that will not only provide him with the cash he needs, but may also get him killed in the process…

Selling drugs starts out well for Jamie, but things quickly begin to spiral out of control: his best friend and girlfriend are weary of his career choice, a local police officer is determined to catch him in the act, and worst, his partner in crime, Gabe, may be more dangerous than anyone ever imagined.

What begins as fun and games is about to become much more serious, causing Jamie to question just how far he will go and who’s lives he will risk in return for becoming Ivy League.

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