Hey fellow bloggers, readers, and authors. We've been on a long hiatus and we apologize for that. Life sometimes gets in the way in extraordinary ways and things we love gets pushed to the side. With that being said, we have a few new posts for you. This one is something new to the blog. It's a science fiction story that you the readers get to decide what happens next.
About The Venturess
The Venturess
is a ship. This is the story of her and her crew. Only, you pick what happens
in it. Every other Friday, a new short story will be posted. You, the reader
will then have a week to vote on what happens next.
The Venturess
is a delivery ship- sometimes for legitimate concerns, more often not. This
takes the ship and crew to the far reaches of the universe, and into contact
with a myriad of species and characters.
Grab your spacesuit, your weapon of choice, and settle in
for the ride.
Welcome aboard.
The Crew
Mack is the owner and captain of the ship. Serious, though not
as serious as she often appears. She is brave and calculated, a businesswoman,
yet a misfit in her own right- hence owning a ship and venturing on her own.
is her pilot. Young and brash, he is a brilliant pilot. Happy-go-lucky and
cheerful no matter the situation, and loyal to a fault. Oh, and he’s dead, so
you could have skipped this.
is an automaton, brought on for loading and moving cargo, there is a quiet
wisdom to him.

While intended to simply fill labor roles, he has become a
valuable member of the crew.
Bartender is a Fuesillien revolutionary, with ties to the
criminal underworld. He joined the crew upon Chip’s death, needing to escape
authorities. It is yet unclear if he is loyal to the crew, or just serving his
own ends.
About the Author

The D is for Dean.
Dean is the author of the 3024AD series of science fiction
stories. He also write Adventures in Indie Publishing for
Nerds Feather, focusing on the latest
in indie press. As that might indicate, he is a nerd (or geek?).
He is also an aficionado of good drinks (extra dry
martini; onions, not olives), good food and fine dress. When not holed up in
his office
obnoxiously writing, he can be found watching or playing
sports, or in his natural habitat of a bookstore.
He also has an unhealthy obsession with old movies and
goes through phases where he plays video games before kind of forgetting they
He lives in the Pacific Northwest and likes the rain,
thank you very much.
Get in contact with the author
; onions, not olives), good food and fine
dress. When not holed up in his office tweeting obnoxiously
writing, he can be found watching or
playing sports, or in his natural habitat of a bookstore.
He also has an unhealthy obsession with old movies and goe
s through phases where he plays video
games before kind of forgetting they exist.
He lives in the Pacific Northwest and likes the rain, t
hank you very much.