Tuesday, January 15, 2013



The amazingly talented JLuis Licea nominated us  for this award!

You got the Award, now what?

- I list 11 random facts about myself.
- I will answer the 11 questions asked of me by the person who nominated me.
- I will then nominate my 11 picks for the award along with my 11 questions for them to answer when they post a response.
- If you’re nominated, your name/link will appear at the bottom of this post along with your questions. Follow the same format; paste the award badge to your blog, give us 11 random facts about yourself, answer my 11 questions, and choose your nominees…but you cannot nominate the blog who nominated you.

11 Random Facts About Us:

Dani's Randomness
1. I have this odd compulsion to have all my tattoos even. Meaning if i have a tattoo on my right wrist, I also have one on my left. I have 15 tattoos total...obvi I need a few more lol

2. I never have my hair one color It's always two, one usually being blonde and its constantly changing

3. I'm attempting my hand at being a writer. I finished one book and now have 2 WIPs.
4. I'm Italian/German/Hispanic but only fluently speak English lol
5. My three sons are really my half brothers that I adopted a year ago
6. I'm a hopeless romantic who falls in love with boys from books
7. I love music almost as much as I love to read. Music makes everything better. There's always a song to fit the mood.
8. My dream car is a '65 Shelby and one day I will own one.
9. I love chocolate and Dr Pepper like people love coffee.
10. I'm a country girl living as a valley girl that gets lost in the mountains. There's just something about them that draws me in.
11. I graduated High School at 16 and started College at 17 and yet I still have no college degree. Oh well.

Christina’s Random 11 facts:

1.       I love beagles, hounds are just basically my favorite type of dog. I love the howl sound they make.

2.       I am a vampire fan. Twilight, Vampire Diaries and True Blood.

3.        I love to read, pretty much any book.  My favorites though are ones that end Happily Ever After.

4.       I have a birthmark on my eye lid that can only be seen when I am over tired or really sick.

5.       My favorite colors are Red, Black and Blue.

6.       I waited in line at midnight for all but the first Twilight movie. The last one I waited with Dani, it was our first meeting.

7.       I have a special Education Credential for Moderate to Severe disabilities.

8.       I am very social, but shy and reserved when it comes to new people. Once I get to know them I am tooooo comfortable.

9.       I dislocated my knee, twice playing volleyball.

10.   I went to school with the same classmates from 3rd grade till we graduated high school .

11.   I once knew a guy who was “Goofy” at Disneyland.

12.   I have no full blooded siblings.

The 11 Questions Asked with My Answers:

1. What do you think about when you hear the word 'Book'?
Dani: Freedom. There's nothing like getting lost in a good book.
Christina: Woo hooo another world to enter
2. In one word, describe a book you love.
3. What animal do you fear the most?
Dani:Hawks...because they are messengers and the messages I usually get are bad ones lol
Christina: a grizzly bear
4. Favorite time of the day to read?
 Dani:10pm because all the boys are finally alseep and i can read without interruption.
Christina: Anytime

5. Coffee person? If yes, do you drink it with milk, cream, or just plain? If not, what do you drink instead? 
Dani:No I prefer Dr.Pepper
Christina: I would have to drink decaf, and with Milk, and sugar.  But I normally drink water or milk.
6. Have you published a book? If yes, share the name and a link! Brag! If not, are you working on one that's on its way to the sea of sharks?
Dani:I have yet to publish one but I've finished one which is in the process of getting edited and have 2 more I'm working on.
Christina: NO I do not have a book that is published. Am I writing one? Wouldn’t you like to know?  Maybe, we’ll see.
7. Favorite candy and why?
Dani:chocolate..but if i had to pick one...umm Mounds, because i love chocolate and coconut.
Christina: Almond Joy, or Mounds.  Because sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. 
8. Tells us, what inspired you to become a writer/blogger in one or two sentences?
Dani: Blogger because I love to read and share my thoughts on a book. Writer because I have things to say that can only be expressed through characters.
Christina : the blogger part was inspired by Dani.  She thought it would be fun and I couldn’t resist her enthusiasm.
9. Every beginning has an end. Do you prefer a happy ending or one that just satisfies?
Dani: HEA all the way
Christina: I prefer the happy endings.  
10. If I pay for you to go anywhere in the world with someone, where would you go and who would you go with?

Dani: I would love to go to Athens and I would go with my mom. We've always planned on going one day.

Christina: Well I would want to do the Forks, Washington tour and add Vancouver on to it because it is where they filmed the twilight films.  I would want to go with my girlfriends that would enjoy it too.

11. What is a dream you have and always keep alive?
Dani:To be happy. The world is packed with so much negativity that being happy is important.
Christina: To help students who struggle succeed in school 

11 Questions for you that are Nominated :

1.       What is your favorite book? And why?

2.       What is your favorite Band and or Song?

3.       Are you a night owl or an early bird?

4.       Who is someone you admire and look up to, and why?

5.       Are you a casual dresser or one who likes to dress up?

6.       Are you allergic to anything?

7.       If you could go to any beach in the world where would you go and why?

8.       If Stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring with you?

9.       IF you could meet ANY famous person who would it be and why?

10.   What is your Favorite Car?

11.   Do you prefer warm hot weather or cold weather with snow?


So go have fun doing your post! 

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